Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Occupy L.A. ~ What do they really want?

Occupy L.A. Movement ~ What do they stand for?
The burning question here seems to be what is it that this movement stands for?  Some say that the banks are corrupt and that the Wall Street bankers should be jailed.  Comments range from anger about how the bankers have been bailed out, and were not held accountable for their actions, to the inability of full-time workers to make ends meet.  Others say that corporations control the government via lobbyists, which ultimately corrupt politicians.  It does bring to mind the small percentage of the population that is comprised of bankers, lawyers and politicians that are some of the highest wage earners in America.  The unbalance seems to cause a lot of unrest, as the average person in the United States seems to feel that the system has failed them. 
To complicate things even further, there has become an increasingly large part of the population that has taken to working under the table or engaging in income opportunities that are illegal.  The problem here is that these workers that are selling drugs, running illegal gambling rings, or working under the table are not paying taxes.  That is a real problem as it puts too large of a burden on the legally employed as they are taxed too heavily.  There are a lot of supporters of the Fair Tax Movement, which goes something like this:  Income taxes are eliminated and replaced by a consumption tax.  It is a simple concept:  Whatever someone buys is taxed.  This offers fair taxation to everyone, not just those who are following the rules and working legally.  It seems unfair for a percentage of the population to pay the taxes for those who are not working legally, if at all.
Furthermore, many of these people working under the table or participating in illegal income opportunities are also taking advantage of social services.  They can get cards with free money to use at establishments that take EBT cards.  They can get food stamps without proof that they do not have any income.  The system is definitely broken and the deficit proves this.  But many ask: Why should so many be able to abuse the system doubly?  Many working legally have resentment for those that are getting a tax free ride.  There are so many aspects of the American economy that are broken, that of course the issues seem to be confusing. 
Some of the people at these protests do not even know what they stand for, but they are mad about inequality.  They know of the cushy lives that so many lead, while they struggle to make a living.  The movie “Network” comes to mind.  It is as if they have stuck their heads out of the window to yell that they are as mad as hell and they are not going to take it anymore.  It is a fact, that the economy is spiraling out of control, but these protestors do not know what to do about it, nor do I.  The loss of the American Dream comes to mind.  Have people lost hope? 
A lot of these protestors site their constitutional rights for freedom of speech and assembly.  However there is nothing in the Constitution that says that you can have an ongoing sleep over on city property that comes with health issues caused by urination and littering.  Furthermore, there is nothing in the constitution that gives anyone the right to loiter or trespass on city property when told to leave.  If they wanted to get our attention, they have it.  But, most people do not understand what it is they really want to have happen.  It is not some specific thing many say, but I can only ascertain that it is all about change.  I agree with that.  We live in a country whose economic system has failed the bulk of American workers.  The American dream of working hard and being successful is not available to most people.  I think that a lot of people feel frustrated that they live paycheck to paycheck and just can’t seem to get ahead.  Many people feel unable to get ahead as credit card debt is a way of life.
As far as the city asking the campers and protestors to disperse, they do have the right to ask them to leave, even if the protestors disagree.  All citizens do have a right to enjoy a sanitary park, and this assembly that says it is one of peace, has become a public nuisance and a health issue where drugs abound.  Of course a peaceful assembly and a right to protest is a part of the first amendment, but it is not unconditional and limitless.
The arrests from Occupy L.A. were many, and yes, they have made a real statement, and that I agree with.  What upsets many people, is the millions of dollars that has been spent to disperse these protestors.  I wonder what has really been accomplished here.  Will anything really ever change?  So many things are broken when it comes to the economy.  It did not get this way overnight, so ultimately change will be slow, if any.  I can only hope for some kind of change, but do not think that the entire overhaul that is necessary will ever happen.  I hope to hell that all of this will prove helpful and create some kind of awareness of how so many people feel that they are chasing a dream that they may never achieve.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Cyber Warfare Today

     Cyber attacks are becoming a more prevalent type of warfare engaged in by many entities against another.  Though identifying the source of the attacks can sometimes be subjective due to the lack of technology to do so, there seems to always be a suspicion as to where the attacks came from and what the motive was.  The Russian denial-of-service attack on the country of Estonia in 2007 made headline news as an act of war.  The cyber attacks on Georgia in 2008 during their war with Russia were speculated to be Russian driven.  Lastly, when the U.S. State Department computers of the East Asia Bureau were compromised during 2006, fingers pointed to China.  “The Pentagon warned earlier this year that China’s army is emphasizing hacking as an offensive weapon.  It cited Chinese military exercises in 2005 that included hacking primarily in first strikes against enemy networks.” (Griffin, 2007).  All of these three attacks have one thing in common:  they all used the same silent weapon; cyber-terrorism.
      Estonia is touted to be one of the most connected countries in the world.  The wireless communities and government of this country were rendered helpless in a denial of service attack, due to their extreme internet dependence.  It is a way of life, completing most things via a handheld or laptop, from banking to parliamentary elections.  The attack affected state and commercial websites, most of which were run primarily online.  Foreign and defense ministries, newspapers and banks were specific targets hit.  The denial of service attack in 2007 said to be instrumented by Russia, affected ordinary citizens as well as government officials.  The rippling effect was felt by a large segment of the population and caused chaos and confusion.  “Officials have blocked access to the servers from outside Estonia, to prevent them from being attacked.”  (Lagorio, 2006).   The  attacks  were said to  begin after a Soviet  memorial  statue in  Tallin  was
removed.  The defense ministry says that some of the cyber attacks came from Russian hosted servers.  Of course, Russia is not cooperating or commenting on these events.
     The cyber-attacks during the 2008 South Ossetia war between Georgia and Russia coupled themselves with the bloody shooting battle taking place.  The Georgian government stands firmly with their accusation of Russia for disabling Websites, including the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.  This attack which encompasses massive requests for data is called a distributed denial of service attack. “These attacks appear to be controlled from a server based at a telecommunications firm.” (Markoff, 2008).  Since cyber attacks cost very little, they have taken their place in modern warfare.  Georgia was vulnerable due to its dependence on Russia and Turkey for global internet connections.  The United States is backing a fiber-optic network link under the Black Sea, due to happen in September.  Hopefully this will solve their future issues in this area.
      The computers that were compromised in the East Asia Bureau in 2006 came as a big surprise as nothing was missing.  Even though nothing was physically taken, the damage from these hacks occurred from information theft.  This large-scale intrusion that targeted the offices communicating with China and North Korea, involved the theft of sensitive U.S. information and passwords.  Officials reported that the unclassified systems were affected while the classified areas were uncompromised.  The Defense department noticed similar computer problems last summer, and considers Chinese hackers to be the culprits in that incident, as well as the above noted.  “After the State Department break-ins, many employees were instructed to change their passwords.  The department also temporarily disabled a technology known as secure sockets layer, used to transmit encrypted information over the Internet.” (Davis, 2007).  Identifying this vulnerable area will prevent hackers from transmitting stolen data, covertly from a victim’s network.  Also of note is:  “Many diplomats were unable to access their online bank accounts using government computers.” (Lagorio, 2011).  The problem is said to be fixed, but it was noted exactly how this was done.
    Since hacking is now being viewed as an offensive weapon, this type of cyber terrorism may be a permanent occurrence to be expected by all those connected globally.  “Given that most parts of the world now have access to the Internet, almost any country can fall victim to some form of cyber terrorism or information warfare.” (Taylor, 2011)  Since identifying the sources of these attacks still remains problematic, it will mostly likely grow in the near future.  Furthermore, since the Pentagon is already warning that China’s army is emphasizing hacking as an offensive weapon, the evidence of this type of warfare is proven.  Unfortunately, it appears that the silent weapon of cyber-terrorism is here to stay.  

Davis, J., (2007) Wired Website, Hackers take down the most wired country in europe, retrieved   February 13, 2011 from   09/ff_estonia?currentPage=all
 Griffin, J., (2007) Fox News Website (2007) Pentagon source says china hacked defense computers, retrieved February 12, 2011 from,2933,295640,00.html
Lagorio, C., (2006) CBS News Website, State department computers hacked, retrieved on            February 14, 2011 from      SearchStories
Markoff, J., (2009) New York Times Website, Georigia takes a beating in the cyber war with        russia, retrieved February 11, 2011 from
Taylor R. W., Fritsch E., Liederbach J., & Holt T. (2010). Digital crime and digital terrorism         (2nd ed.) New Jersey: Prentice Hall.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Houdini Corkscrew - How to use it!

The Houdini Corkscrew - It's use made easy

     The corkscrew in its traditional form has been around for many years.  Anyone who drinks wine will need to somehow remove the cork from a bottle.  Though there are a couple of new versions for cork removal, little has changed to facilitate this process over the decades.  That is, until the invention of Houdini, “the corkscrew that works like magic.”
     The mechanism choice for an objective description came out of the necessity for use.  My Houdini Corkscrew has been unused, in a drawer for the better part of a decade.  Even though it is intended to make the removal of a cork easier, the package remained unopened.  Of great benefit is that it expels the cork from the corkscrew in one motion, as opposed to the arduous task of hand turning the cork out of the spiral.  The complicated look of it is baffling without providing any clues about where to begin, and I think that is why no one had ever made an attempt of any kind.  We simply did not read the directions, nor figure out what to do.  Instructions are absolutely necessary for this device, until becoming accustomed to the way that it functions.  If you were, or are confused; do not feel alone.  There are people that have felt the necessity to post directions for its use on the internet.  Indeed, it looks complicated with its odd “rabbit ears” and a very strange yet sleek, black and chrome design.  Do not let it gather dust any more, as help is here.
     First, make sure that the metal wrapping has been removed from the cork.  There is a nice little device that has been provided, with two blades for removing this metal wrapping.  Simply position the round part over the top of the cork and give it a turn.  It will cut a perfect little slice through the metal, removing it instantly.  Make sure to remove this metal first, as trying to put the corkscrew through the metal could ruin the integrity of the protective coating that is intended to prevent rust, and could damage the device.  Also, take off any wax that may appear on some corks.  After the cork is completely clean, grasp the rabbit ears firmly in one hand and raise the lever which will position the corkscrew on top of the cork.  Now, close both of the rabbit ears until they surround the neck of the bottle.  Next, lower the lever, which brings the corkscrew up and removes the cork from the bottle.   Finally, raise the top handle, and the cork is magically ejected from the corkscrew.
     This device, though complicated at first, is the fastest way to remove a cork from the bottle.  It also instantly ejects the cork from the spiral once done which is fun and amazing.  Furthermore, it works on all size bottles, comes with the cutter for removing cork metal, a spare spiral piece and a five year warranty.  It retails for $21 at retail and online stores.  Pollen Design and Metrokane of New York are the designers and inventors of this product, and further investigation shows that they have an entire line of wine and other accessories available worldwide. 
Patent number:  D441,265,D442,045  Made in China, Universal Product Code: 022578028033
D. Pitow, Houdini Corkscrew Instructions. Retrieved from: eHow website on October 20, 2010,

Blogging for Beginners ~ Things to consider when creating a blog

Blog Elements    
     Creating a blog requires a good combination of many elements; with purpose, content, design and audience being the main components.  Purpose can range from self expression to political statements, with many other topics in between, but there needs to be some type of motivation that fuels the post, otherwise little interest will be created.  This interest is tantamount, as ultimately a blogs main purpose revolves around the focus of attracting readers through its content.  These elements are the main focus and work together with an overall design that draws in readers, and hopefully calls them to action, adding depth and meaning, which translates into not only a memorable blog, but one that people want to follow.  Of course, intended audience can be comprised of only a small cross section of readers, while other blogs are intended to appeal to a much broader audience.  One blog may have a scope that is vast, while another goes stagnant, and there lies the important focus of a blog and its components.
     Purpose is the answer to the question of why someone would create a blog.  Often a blog is an assignment for a class, but some blogs are intended to deliver a message of one kind or another.  People search the web for answers to questions and the internet offers a wealth of information posted by bloggers and experts.  Often, the distinction between the two is blurred, so it is important to verify information and look at the source and references.  Just because it appears on the internet does not mean that it is true.  Bloggers are filled with intention, and their vehicle is their post, coupled with content choice.
      The most important component of a blog may be content.  Though there are quite a few celebrity cites that seem to have a good following, not everyone is interested in this information.  Some people are looking for current events, while others are interested in directions, or how to information for project completion.  Providing interesting opening lines and titles that draw the reader in, coupled with an absence of grammatical errors shows professionalism in a blog, helping hold viewers.  Receiving comments and offering responses, helps involve readers and make them feel wanted and appreciated, which can increase followers.  Whatever the interest of the reader is, involving them and providing content that is interesting and current can make or break a blog. 
     Next, the audience can vary from post to post, but a blog needs focus on who the intended reader is.  There should be some kind of uniformity for the intended reader and what may be of interest to them.  Writing for an audience and the intention behind that will help with the actual information and how it is provided.  Knowing who the reader is and how they will be written for is a function of knowing the audience.
     Importantly, design will draw in readers or send them away.  The content could be great, but if the design is too busy or distracting, the reader may exit the site.  Structure of a blog is like the foundation of a building, and needs to be built with balance, while including clarity, details and functionality. I recommend choosing the left alignment. This will make your picture move to the left of the page, with the text flowing to its right.” (Piechnic, 2011).Typestyle that is clear and easy to read is very important as the sizing and color of headlines and captions.  You can design logos and custom headers at  This is a great site to add interest in a unique way that you won’t find on every other blog.  The overall layout of a blog needs to be organized and simple, avoiding confusion and colors that clash.  Black backgrounds are hard on the eyes and should be avoided at all cost.  One word of caution goes out concerning widgets and gadgets:  Too many of these can create confusion and make a blog look junky.  It is important to choose them wisely without over doing it.  Darren Rowse of Blog Design says that: “Remarkablity is the   difference between a good blog and a great one.”  (Rowse, 2008).  Furthermore, soothing colors that blend well coupled with serene designs, with a few gadgets to create interest, will keep the visitor there and reading; the main intention of a blog.    
     Finally, a blog is an ongoing work in progress, always evolving to improve and create interest.  Most blogs will change over time as their authors make advances in content and design creation.  Since there are so many layouts, designs, gadgets and widgets, transformation is a combination of effort and time, and the product that results can be a site of great dimension.  Blogs are like art, a wonderful creation that can be something beautiful to not only read, but to behold.
Piechnic, D., (2011), How to set up a blog, Website Set Up Guide, retrieved April 9, 2011 from    wordpress.htm?gclid=CLbc3eSRlagCFWUbQgodYgeBCg
Rowse, D., (2008), How to craft a blog post, ProBlogger website, retrieved April 9, 2011 from                          

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

How Virtual Worlds Can Influence Intercultural Communications

Can Virtual Worlds Really Improve Intercultural Relations?

     Virtual worlds can create new channels of communication between cultures that may not have the opportunity to interact otherwise.  This type of online gaming venue is the vehicle that enables interaction between anyone who chooses to play at that particular time.  Because participating in these online worlds is open to anyone without restrictions, no one is excluded.  The anonymous nature of the avatar levels the playing field, while existing in a nonthreatening environment.  Messages presented in this arena may be more easily accepted, as well as help influence the ability to conceptualize the concept(s) presented. 
     Poems and songs can be used to communicate ideas in this fantasy world and can be more effective than those presented in more serious situations.  Somehow, a serious topic can be turned into a whimsical vision, while getting the point across without threatening anyone.  There seems to be a feeling of safeness in the anonymous nature that portraying oneself as an avatar creates.  This may positively affect receptiveness, and understanding as well.    
     Since many people have negative views of the Islamic culture, and view Muslims poorly, the unsupported nature of these thoughts needs to be addressed.  Stereotyping and bias has been perpetuated due to a few extremists who have tainted the overall image of these people.  Terrorists are being linked to Islam unfairly, and it is difficult to change people’s general attitudes toward the Islamic culture.  Virtual worlds and avatars can improve these cultural relations, because they reach many people and offer the information by communicating in ways that give people a chance to change their minds.  Quite possibly, the virtual world is a less harsh environment that may help eliminate racial bias by replacing it with understanding, compassion and empathy, all while offering entertainment.
     Though the virtual world has some limitations for improving intercultural relations, such as not encompassing those who do not play; its benefits far outweigh the drawbacks.  One thought is: Since these worlds revolve around fantasy, it may be difficult to present controversial topics in this arena. In my opinion, anything that improves global relations by offering a dissemination of information, while quashing stereotypical behavior, and creating more avenues to open one’s mind, is a good thing.  The very thought that anyone can participate in these avatar driven, virtual worlds opens up intercultural communications.  Virtual worlds simply did not exist ten years ago, and though they were intended to be a form of entertainment, the benefit of enhancing communication between cultures was not a consideration in their creation.  No one could have predicted the sphere of influence that these games can achieve globally.  Considering groups that are often involved in conflicts offers examples for contemplation and improvement.
     “Muslims represent a growing social and political force that questions some of the west’s dominant cultural patterns, particularly the following:  The relationship between God and humankind, the role of morality in human affairs, the role of technology and modernization, and the nature of progress.” (Jandt, 2010).  For example:  Islam does not tolerate greedy and selfish capitalism, which is dominant in the U.S., creating ongoing tension.  Understanding these and other cultural differences, offers a chance at better interactions overall.
     “I believe that diversity, like democracy, is a process, not an outcome.  It is something that people should participate in, as they participate in a democratic society.  Only together will we make good on the promise of a diverse democracy.” (Wu, 2007).      
     With more interaction of cultures comes tolerance and understanding, even if it happens in a virtual world.  Knowledge creates flexibility, patience and an open mind to view things differently. In contrast, lack of information and communication can create racial bias and stereotyping.  Propaganda can make people view things in a one dimensional fashion if they do not have any other information for comparison.  The more people know and interact peacefully the better off global relations will be, while improving intercultural communications worldwide.
References ~
Fischer, A., (2004). With a foot in each culture, Wu, F., Howard University professor fights           racial stereotyping, retrieved January 17, 2010 from asian.html
Jandt,  Fred, (2010). An Introduction to Intercultural Communication (6th ed.). Thousand Oaks,    CA: SAGE Publications, Inc.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Delivering Bad News ~

Delivering Bad News in a Tactful and Effective Manner
     Managing conflict in the business arena can be confusing and complicated.  The following case study outlines the work situation and the issues at hand.  The proposed solution follows, with illustrations of scenarios that may or may not play out.  The hope is to solve this workplace conflict with little or no escalation, in an effective and calm management style.
The Problem:
     You are a department manager in a mid-sized company that provides technology support services.  You have ten employees who are required to maintain a high level of technical expertise and deliver excellent customer service.  One of your employees, who has been with the company for two years, is performing at a substandard level and you have received numerous complaints from customers and coworkers. In addition, this employee has displayed confrontational behavior which has created a hostile environment. You must now meet with this employee and deliver an ultimatum regarding the need for immediate improvement or dismissal.
The Proposed Solution:
     This work situation requires a confrontation which is a conflict process where certain issues are addressed.  Though often viewed as negative and/or aggressive, this confrontation will have underlying collaborative efforts not only to help diffuse the emotions of this employee, but to help engage efforts that will resolve, rather than escalate the situation.  Focusing on the cause of the problem and how to solve it, in a non-hostile fashion will be a primary concern.  First, the employee will be called into a private meeting after having been given advance notice.  Then, the issues at hand will be discussed in a direct manner.  The communication will include three things that require change:  That the performance is substandard, that there are numerous complaints from customers and co-workers, and that the confrontational behavior is unacceptable.  Since this is a point where the conflict may escalate, considering the other person’s point of view by listening, empathizing, and responding in an understanding way, can reduce the chance of things getting worse.  Should the situation escalate the S-TLC method will be employed: Stop, Listen, Think and Communicate. (Cahn & Abigail, 2007, p.40).  If the employee becomes confrontational, calmness while illustrating that their job is in jeopardy, along with the necessary changes that need to occur, should make things clear.  Next, an empowering method which uses a collaborative plan to resolve the issues will begin at this point.  Having both parties work together while sharing ideas will help bring about a good resolution to the problem.  Making and agreeing on a mutually satisfying arrangement has a better chance of success.  Illustrating the severity of the situation, coupled with the importance of enacting the changes agreed upon will follow.  Directness for communicating the problem, the proposed changes, and the desired results is better than being indirect.   “Don’t use qualifiers or euphemisms to avoid accepting responsibility.” (Roebuck, 2006, p.86).  This eliminates the chance of the communication being misunderstood or confused. 
     Lastly, a time will be set to revisit the issues in order to re-evaluate the progress and outcome.  To agree on a resolution is not enough, and requires some type of follow up.  Knowing how to confront others appropriately and effectively creates the likelihood of beneficial results.  The ultimatum portion of this scenario would only come about during the follow up phase; in the event that the employee had not made the required changes in behavior.  Should this occur, the employee will be put on probation for an assigned timeframe, with the desired improvements that need to be implemented, and the consequence of termination that will result if the employee does not comply.  This warning would be put in writing, presented by a superior and signed by the employee.  Should the employee not comply, termination will be the result.  “The effective conflict manager knows how to appropriately confront others.” (Abigail & Cahn, 2011, p.294).
Abigail, R., Cahn, D., (2007), Managing conflict though communication, Pearson   Education, Inc., Allyn & Bacon: Boston, MA
Roebuck, D., (2006) Improving business communication skills, Pearson Education, Upper Saddle River, NJ

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Communicating With Other Cultures ~

     Defining culture is difficult due to the vast array of things that combine to create it.  Beliefs, attitudes, values, symbols, norms and/or behavior are shared by a group in some manner, and that is the closest I can come to defining culture.  Of course, one must consider ethnicity, as it is an integral component of this scenario.  Regarding rules and guidelines, the “Ten Commandments of Cultural Communication” (Hahn, 2011) provides a good set of guidelines to follow.  Taking responsibility for communication seems trite, but this is more important that what one might imagine.  Being sensitive to differences, being patient, showing respect, withholding judgments and being patient are key factors.  It is the responsibility of the person who is engaging in intercultural communication to do just that.  Be responsible.  Empathize with the person while being flexible and mindful in order to send clear messages.  Of course keeping all of these actions in mind may be hard, so it is good to use common sense.  “There is no way that you could learn all the rules governing appropriate and inappropriate behavior for every culture and subgroup with which you come into contact.” (Jandt, p. 81, 2010).  Instead, be aware of these general barriers that will influence your communication efforts:  stereotypes and prejudice, anxiety, assuming similarity instead of difference, nonverbal actions, ethnocentrism and language.  Importantly, being sincere in your words and actions translates well in any cultural interaction.

Hahn, M., (2005), The ten commandments of cultural communication, retrieved on March 23,   2011 from

Jandt, F., (2010), Intercultural communication, (6th ed.), Sage publications, Inc.     

Monday, March 21, 2011

Technology ~ Something to Think About

Four Types of Media Technology
     Media Technology covers many different types of vehicles for the delivery of messages.  Since this arena is so vast, the focus here will be on four specific types.  First, the Intranet and Extranet will be discussed.  These are private and semi-private computer networks within organizations.  Next, will be the coverage of telephone and video conferencing which is widely used for business meetings and group discussions.  FaceTime will be the last technology which though new, seems to be quite popular for both business and social use.  The current generation, dubbed “Generation Wireless” is touted to be the most connected of all time.  With the pros of connectivity, come the cons which may provoke lively debate.
     First, is the intranet which differs from the internet in that it is a private computer network within an organization intended for secure communication.  It also provides a private place to access data such as schematics, proposals, management tools, human resource forms, policy, procedures and other items.  It can enhance productivity by providing easily accessed information.  This restricted information can only be viewed by an invited audience.  Specifically, this network uses internet protocols, network connectivity, and sometimes telecommunication systems.  “Increasingly, intranets are being used to deliver tools and applications, eg: collaboration (to facilitate working in groups and for teleconferences) or sophisticated corporate directories, sales and tools, project management, etc, to advance productivity.” (Strom, 1998)  Sometimes there will be online forums or blogs for discussion of issues, ideas, directives or analysis.  Helping employees function more effectively increases productivity, creating great savings for organizations.  Another benefit is that employees that feel that their input is being heard have more job satisfaction.  When an intranet is made available to customers, suppliers, partners or others outside the company, that becomes a part called an extranet.
     Extranets provide a great source of information and can help improve customer relationships.  Only those approved have restricted access to this semi-private network which provides organizations with a secure way to share information and usage by invited users.  These types of networks eliminate the use of encryption and help provide links for safe communication.  A good extranet is user friendly and enables usage that is simple.  “With an extranet, a company can freely participate on the World Wide Web; give employees access, via browsers to internal databases while keeping the public out; and provide customers and suppliers with password-protected access to selected parts of the same data.”  (Storm, 1998). 
     When meetings must be attended by parties in different geographical locations, often teleconferencing is used.  These virtual meetings allow participation and listening by the invited parties.  “Companies commonly use a specialized service provider who maintains the conference bridge, or who provides the phone numbers and PIN codes that participants dial to access the meeting or conference call.”  (Stone, 2010).  This type of meeting works well when some, or all, of the group may not have access to a computer.  It can be effective when meeting in person is too difficult or costly.
     When meetings must include visual presentations, video or web conferencing is most effective.  This too allows parties in various locations to view and participate.  “These systems were introduced in the late 1990’s and greatly improved usability over ‘legacy systems’ which required a technician to manage the call.” (Advanstar, 2002).  This type of connection most emulates being there in person, and requires equipment and a computer.  “The camera and
processing technology are in one box which can be remote-controlled through a graphical, on-screen menu.”  (Moore, 2008).  Video conferencing can add a personal dimension while closing a geographical gap. 
     FaceTime will conclude this discussion with the ability for conversations that include images of the person and their surroundings.  It is sometimes called video chatting due to its social and personal nature.  Various smart phones offer applications to enable this type of communication and are very popular amongst teenagers.  Seeing someone that you are sharing a conversation with seems to add a personal touch to regular phone calls, as expressions, actions and gestures can now be viewed by each party. 
     Even though access to technology has connected the world more effectively than ever in history; there are a few things that are not viewed so positively.  Generation wireless in their connectivity has been said to experience loneliness and isolation.  Quite possibly, all of this technology is prohibiting people from being in front of others.  Social interaction has been diminished in a world where communication lacks the personal “touch” of being there physically.  As old fashioned as attending a meeting or function in person is, maybe this is lacking in a society so well “connected.”  A handshake and a hug just might be more important than one might think.
Caron Carus, March 21, 2011    
Advanstar Communications, (2002), Remote management: Happier users, happier IT
            BNET website, from Telecom Asia, retrieved March 20, 2011 from   
Moore, D.T., (2008), How does a video conference work? Ezine @rticles website, retrieved         March 20, 2011 from
 Stone, J., (2010), The advantages of teleconferencing, Articlesphere Website, retrieved March 21, 2011 from   
Strom, D., (1998), Roadmap to the extranet, Datamation website, retrieved March 20, 2011       from        the-      extranet.htm

Friday, March 11, 2011

A Look at Organizational Communication ~

A Look at Organizational Communication       
     In this paper I will present my interpretation of organizational communication based on my personal work experience, interlaced with the fundamentals that we have been studying.  There will be personal reflections of circumstances experienced and an attempt to conceptualize these based on organizational communication fundamentals.  Assessing communication is broad and subjective.  Because of the diversity in the workforce which includes a multitude of personalities obtained from a global pool, the interactions and interpretations of them vary in scope and dimension.  Also, of great importance are the values of each individual, which are influenced by many forces, and ultimately the ethics that dictate behavior.
     What is important and desirable to one person, may not be important to the next.  Values differ as internationalization influences behavioral choices regarding ethics.  There is no singular set of values that are consistent in any workplace.  This brings not only challenges for working together, but potential disagreements of values that determine the actions of employees.
     There was a circumstance that created great difficulty based on two different people, and two different value sets.  One individual became very arrogant with the success of his showroom and the responsibility of being a manager who is able to make many decisions without consulting upper management.  Since he had the power to do many things without scrutiny, he decided that it was ok to sell some merchandise for cash, upon completing paperwork linking it to a client for pick up falsely.  This is just a form of stealing and I believe it is unethical.  The employee rationalized that it would not be missed, and hurts no one.  I think it is wrong and against my values and ethics.  He had no problem with it, as his values and ethics differ greatly from mine.
     This certainly could be one of the dilemmas illustrated in the textbook.  What would you do?  What should I do?  That very question has plagued me daily since I found out about his activities.  If I confront him about it, he can lie to superiors about me and damage my reputation to protect him.  He can say that I am lying and that I have no proof.  There is now the chance of me being portrayed as a trouble maker.  If I say nothing, I allow him to continue stealing from the company.  Conundrums such as this face employees on a daily basis.  The strength of one’s beliefs, values and morals are the contributing factors to the ethics held by each individual.
     In organizations, value congruence is the similarity between individual and organizational values.  Work satisfaction, commitment and employee turnover are directly influenced.  In culturally diverse organizations, specific alternatives based on culture, rather than one best way, in conjunction with flexibility prove effective.  In order to identify positively with an organization there must be some value congruence which relates directly to overall job satisfaction.  The above dilemma illustrates a difference in peer ethics and values.  There are many opportunities for differences of option to occur in any organization.  The variables are large, and personal interpretation based on ethics is at the root of many problems that occur.
     This leads to the topic of destructive communication behaviors.  “A number of behaviors such as deception, invasion of privacy, aggression, incivility, sexual harassment, and discrimination are almost universally considered unethical.” (2009, Shockley-Zalabak).  This does not mean that these behaviors do not go on.  They do, on a daily basis.  It is most likely that most people would be able to tell about an experience related to one of these destructive, unethical behaviors.  The position that I hold now, was almost not offered to me based on one thing:  That I am female.  It was merely a group of men, hiring men only, like a “good old boys club”.  It is interesting how I found this out, and how I brought it to their attention in a most gracious manner.  It would have been a case of downright discrimination and it became clear to them that their decision could be not only unethical, but against the law.  In the end, I got the job, but was almost discriminated against, which falls under civil rights laws as a sub category of sexual harassment.  One would not think this amongst many other unacceptable behaviors still go on, with so many laws to protect against it, but it is common.  I have experienced it before as well.  It seems that many companies are missing ethical policies that prevent such abuse.  Some companies have policy to prevent this, but do not enforce the standards that they have set up.  The damage that is created by people who use destructive communication behavior is dramatic and underestimated.  This is dysfunctional behavior that people just get used to.
     To recognize dysfunctional patterns without placing blame on the character or personality of the person is a critical behavior necessary for the communication professional.  People, their character and personality cannot usually be changed, but patterns of interaction and behavior can.  Being objective to problematic and dysfunctional behaviors is the key to correcting them.  Because we have lived with many of our dysfunctional behaviors, for all of our lives, to recognize them is half of the battle towards their correction.  To understand how peers can disconfirm each other and how to avoid doing so is a necessary skill in order to exist in any work situation.  An adequate assessment of another is a difficult thing to gage, but most importantly to understand the cultural differences that create the value system that people have and ultimately the ethical decisions that influence their behavior.
     Since values are the backbone of judgments, behaviors that are ultimately formed are based on this.  One can find bias present, depending on the individual.  If one is biased against a particular person, difficulty with communication can create problems.  Stereotyping is based on bias as well, and slants ones vision of things, and ultimately can create communication issues.  Some types of stereotyping can be beneficial, and not all behavior of this nature should be viewed negatively, though much of these circumstances can be viewed in that way.
      Balancing disclosure in the workplace is tricky at best.  It is very subjective knowing how much to disclose, and how much to keep to yourself.  You can give a peer power over you, if you give them too much information.  It is important to be aware of disclosure patterns, and to take into consideration the effects that various disclosures will have on others.  It is a positive step to managing and balancing this effectively, to obtain better relationships in the workplace.  Being respectful and honest are important in not just disclosures, but in organizational settings as well as eliminating destructive and dysfunctional behaviors. 
      Good communication is an asset that can be acquired from extensive sales training.  The communication based nature of sales and the ability to perform effectively, offers success or failure.  Listening is a skill that can be perfected over time, and can be the most important tool aiding in all forms of communication, not just interpersonal.   Trying to give others enough time to talk is a good idea, even if they don’t have much to say.  At one point, we will get a chance to say what is on our minds, and learning to exercise more patience during each interaction will prove beneficial.
     My language skills have improved over the years, with the most weight given to taking speech classes, and having to speak in front of others.  My diction and articulation are often confused as having an accent which I find this interesting.  It appears that many people do not articulate very effectively, and that is where the confusion comes in.  Having to make sales presentations that are understandable and persuasive, has offered me opportunities to speak and present well.  In order to complete an understandable presentation, it is imperative to address questions effectively and handle objections as well.  Having these skills, which I have obtained from the sales presentation process, as well as the speech training, has proved very useful in all aspects of my life in relation to communication.  In school and work groups, I tend to be an overachiever and a high producer.  This can be good and bad.  It is good for the productivity of the whole, but can cause resentment to superiors, as they think you are trying to take their job.  Promotions are usually offered to me within a short time in most work situations, due to hard work and tenacity.  As time has passed, and I find myself in mid-life, I feel less motivated to be so high performing and have less desire to stand out.  I think this has a lot to do with recognition.  I used to be more in need of attention, and found that I could accomplish that by making people notice me.  At present, I find that I do not need to be recognized as much, as I feel content with my work accomplishments in life, thus far.   For group communication success, it seems most similar to performing as a team.  It is not the actions of one person and their contributions, but the collective effort of the whole.  It is the combination of interactions combined with the communication of the group that creates a new group dimension.  To place individual needs separately from the needs of the group is crucial.  Knowing and recognizing that in every group there will be leaders, as well as those who follow is important as well.  However, each person in a group plays a necessary role, and no matter what that role, all are important to its composition.  In today’s work environment the global influences coupled with all of the cultural diversity offer a dynamic and interesting workplace.
      To communicate effectively within work groups requires skill and tact.  This is a reference to my work experiences.  We depend on being able to communicate and understand to get things accomplished, as well as function in the manner required.  Organizational structures need to be understood and respected, or unwanted events could transpire.  Downward communication seems to be the most common, with upward communication more rare.  This may be due to the negative ramifications that could transpire on the upward form.  The structure of an organization can vary from place to place, but no matter where you find yourself, it is imperative to interact in an effective manner based on the individual group requirements.  Rules, structure, etiquette and chain of command must be respected to communicate, develop professional relationships and interact effectively in any organization.  Effective management will make or break a company.  People do not leave companies, they leave managers.   I wonder how many managers realize how important they are to organizations.  The subjective nature of values and ethics that people hold dictates their behavior.  The many influences are extreme and hard to quantify which makes all forms of communication in today’s global society, influenced by the diversity of many cultures a challenge for all organizations.  Effective and clear communication is not only an attribute, but a necessary skill needed by everyone.  It can be simple or in a more complex range, but whatever the case, it is a necessary and useful tool in every organizational setting.
Shockey-Zalabak, P. (2009), Fundamentals of organizational communication. (7th Ed.).  
      Boston:  Pearson Education