Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Social Networking and Egypt's Freedom ~

     Social Networking has become more important than anyone could have ever imagined.  When it first came about many people didn't give it much weight. The impact that this type of communication has had on political change carries a lot of weight.  Egypt would have never been able to organize the protest that led to the freedom of the country without it.  This was mostly orchestrated by the young people of this country, using social networking.  Without them and the communication methods available, none of this would have ever happened.  Who knew the important role that the smart phone would take?  Without social networking the protests going on in the middle east would have never come about.  Communication and modern technology have provided a vehicle for political change.  There is a peaceful way to wage a revolution, well almost.  Not to discount the ones who lost their lives or suffered injuries, but they are a lot less than that of a traditional war. 

     It makes one wonder which country will revolt against their government next.  Many speculate that it will be Iran, but Jordan comes to mind as well.  Yemen was not on my mind at the time of this post, so additional information to make things current is in order.

     April 5, 2011 update:  Moammar Gadhafi is refusing to step down as Hoseni Mobarak did, and at present is fighting against those opposed to him.  Many are against the killing of civilians and the torture of those that disagree with his autocracy, including President Obamma.  Once again, this revolt has been given momentum by the use of social networking.  The United Nations has issued a no fly zone, to prevent the killing of civilians by the troups loyal to Gadhafi. 

     Meanwhile, protestors in Taiz,Yemen are demanding the outser of longtime ruler Ali Abdullah Saleh.  They too, are being fired upon, as yet another conflict in the middle east escalates.  Social networking is once again helping organize efforts of the protestors.  The protests are being organized with this technology and depend on its existance.

These types of protests leading to revolts seem to be sweeping the middle east.  It will be interesting to see the role that social networking plays in the attempts to overthrow the remaining dictatorships that still exist today.

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